Luca Badetti, PhD
Welcome to this last week of the
"I Believe in You" virtual retreat!
This retreat is based on the newly released book by
Luca Badetti that focuses on trusting in ourselves and the other, grounded in stories from L'Arche communities in which people with and without intellectual disabilities share life.
This third week invites you to reflect on your abilities and inabilities, learning how you can grow in relationship with others through what you are able to do and what you are not able to do.
You will find here a reflection to read on the theme, a video to watch, as well as questions for your reflection.
Hope this virtual retreat has borne good fruit in your journey!
Growing up, we have likely learned to focus on our abilities and what we are able to do. Although our abilities and skills are surely important, it is essential not to forget the power of our inabilities, too. When we are not able to do something, in fact, we can ask others for support, growing in connection and building community.
Below is a TEDx talk by the author on embracing our (in)abilities!
Here below you can read, at your own pace, the text reflection for this week.
1) What are some of your gifts? If you are not able to name them, what are qualities or traits of yours that others have affirmed and appreciated?
2) What are things you can’t do or have a hard time doing?
3) Recall one or more practical examples of your abilities and inabilities. In regard to your inabilities, who can help you when you cannot do something? At the same time, when others cannot do something, how can your gifts come to their aid?
(P. 117)
Although this is the last virtual retreat week, if you'd like to continue growing in belief towards yourself and others with the support of "I Believe in You" you can find more info on the book, published both in paperback and ebook, here. Besides exploring in greater depth the themes addressed during this retreat, the book presents many more topics (from reconciling with our history to following our inner voice, from encountering others to celebrating them)! An appendix at the end of the book allows you to continue in the spirit of this retreat through chapter-by-chapter questions for reflection.
Comments and/or questions you'd like to share? Stay connected with "I Believe in You" through social media and/or contact me via email by clicking below.